Saturday, January 16, 2010

Flowing Creek

Barron worked hard (and he and John spent some $$) to get the beaver dams gone -- and now we have a trickling creek again and a nice new bench to sit on too.

Creek runs down thru John's property and eventually under the road. Todd has moved his cows out so looks kind of empty over there.

New bench Barron built to give us a sitting area near the creek.

He even managed to get it from the shop to its new place by himself -- and a hand truck.

It is so good to see the culvert unclogged and the water flowing. Lots of iron in the water this day.

Looking up toward Phillip's property. You can see that we had some erosion on the left side.

Monday, January 11, 2010


A great time was had by all last evening. We started off with a hobo dinner (stew, cornbread, desserts). Each family brought veggies to add to the stew mix Barron had cooking on the stove. Add cornbread and sweets and you have your usual wonderful Baptist dinner. We then moved to the sanctuary for a time of study on "sacrificial giving". Then the Grand Finale, The Soggy Bottom Boys (played by Wesley Alldredge, Melvin Hunter, David Bright with guitar backup by JJ Maze) and Pappy O'Daniel (played by Barron Scott). Not sure if I can post the video clip I made, but at least you can see some pictures.

Barron serving up the delicious stew.


Pastor Roger and Vickie joined those on stage, as well as Phillip, Clanton and other munchkins.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hobo Dinner at Spring Arbor Baptist Church

Barron and our Associate Pastor, Wesley, performed a short skit at church yesterday for our upcoming Hobo Dinner Saturday night. Their hardest part was trying to stay focused and not letting Roger get them tickled. Then the kids were asked to come up so Barron could teach them the PEANUT song. One of the kids, Ricky, was proud that he got to take the "campfire" home with him. I got to call Barron's cell phone so we could hear the train whistle. Here are a few pictures I made. Might need them for the next church directory!