We drove down to Phenix City after my work last Wednesday. Kids were waiting and ready to see us. Elizabeth, Chris and Barron fixed a spahetti dinner for us. Thursday morning we went over to Mama and Daddy's to rearrange the furniture so we could fit everyone in their house who was coming on Christmas morning. Elizabeth, Julie and I went over to Columbus to do a little last minute shopping. Julie and Mark hosted us for dinner Christmas Eve while Eliz/family had Christmas gift swapping at the May's.
We were so excited about Nate flying in that night, but alas, major snowstorm hit the Fort Worth area so he spent Christmas Eve at DFW airport, but was able to take an early flight so Barron met him at Atlanta airport.
Christmas morning we got up early so kids could check out their stockings and goodies that Santa brought. Then all of us that could (my siblings, spouses, kids and grandkids) gathered at Mom and Dad's for annual Christmas breakfast/brunch. Everyone ate well (too well actually) and had particular fun watching all the little ones open their gifts, not to mention that we didn't mind opening some gifts of our own as well.
On Saturday Julie, Eliz, Barron, Nate and I did some after-Christmas shopping -- love to go to Michaels and check out some of their deals -- visited such places as Kohl's, Hibbetts, Dicks, Columbus Book Exchange to name a few -- and then headed to Dinglewood Pharmacy in Columbus for their famous chili dogs!! Chris met us there with the kids, and we got to spend time with some friends who happened to drop in there as well. For those who remember Liz Entrekin from years back, she and her sister, Wendi, came there to see Eliz/family for a short while.
Managed to work in a short visit with Kevin, Cheryl, Sarah and Bob (and grabbing some new fishing stuff). Barron, Nate and I took some time to visit with Cathy and Billy at their home (and sample some of the cakes/pies she had there plus she fixed a good supper of vegetable soup and cornbread!!).Mom and Dad stopped by so they got to see Nate one more time.
Then we hurried over to Grooms (airport shuttle service) for Nate's return flight to Texas that evening. Sunday morning we sent Chris off early to Sunday School as he is currently serving as Children's Director at Lakewood BC. Eliz/girls and I got ready and picked up Barron on our way to church. For Sunday dinner, we (Barron, Elizabeth and I - Chris graciously took kids home) joined Mama, Daddy, Cathy and Billy at Red Lobster. Yummy!!
We made a quick trip to Julie's and Elizabeth's to load up suitcases, gifts, and other goodies and headed home.
It was an AWESOME Christmas!! (Now I'll go post some pictures)