Sunday, August 24, 2008

Great Sunday!

Poured rain here from 4:00 am - 8:00 am but none since. We need more but thank God for the 3 inches that some got. Went to church -- SS classes prayerwalked around the church and in various parts of church -- fantastic! Thanks, Lance, for this wonderful idea and your sensitive heart!

Had Melvyn and Vonda Hunter over for lunch in our humble abode Barron fried some fresh okra, added sliced tomatoes, roast beef with rice - yummy!! and they took home some pears. Took them over to see latest developments at the new house. Visited with Barron's former girlfriend (named "Jan") and her mother. Jan and Larry were kind enough to keep the grandkids during Barron's Mom funeral when the kids were so little. Then we stopped by another local Baptist church - Faith Baptist - and joined them for worship!! (Their pastor is Jeff Steele, former southern gospel music performer and songwriter) He and wife and daughter sang great song - We are Redeemed! Then by Arby's for quick supper and home in time to catch the end of the Closing Olympic ceremonies! Must admit the Chinese can put on an AMAZING show!! What a wonderful day ... and did I mention that I received an email that I was one of the applicants chosen for an interview for a job at Redstone Arsenal! THANK YOU LORD!

1 comment:

Meagan said...

Hi Jan I ran accross your blog while googling cullman we live in Hayden and will be moving soon and would love to know what church you attend in Cullman?