Monday, June 29, 2009

Surprise Surprise!

Elizabeth and kids pulled a fast one on us when they were sitting in the church pew when our Sunday School class was over yesterday! That gave us most of the day to have together, and they are staying an entire week! Appreciate Chris letting us have this time together - just wish he didn't have to stay home and work!

The kids loved the creek and the cleared area, plus we hung one of those disc swings under the large cedar tree so it's nice and shady most of the day! With this 90 degree weather you need lots of shade. We lost power for a while last night when a storm threatened, but no rain - only thunder! Fortunately the power was restored after about 2 hours. The girls were so tired they went to sleep in the van when we went to the store for a gallon of milk. The boys followed soon after a game of cards and dominoes!

I will upload some pictures of the kids at waterday at church, birthday pool party for a friend, and wedding pictures where the girls were flowergirls! Enjoy!!

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