Monday, September 1, 2008

Home again!!!!

While it is wonderful to visit family and friends (and the GRANDKIDS!), it is nice to be back in our own home - although it is temporary! We did take time to go by the new house and see if the tile was grouted and finished, and it WAS!! We'll go back over tomorrow and see it in the daylight and hopefully watch the beginning of the installation of the hardwood floors.

A somewhat sad event happened today. A dear loving mentor passed away -- Mrs. Virginia Kennedy, better known as "Ms. Virginia." She was the counselor at Central High School (former business teacher) and I worked with her at the school one summer (not to mention that her son, John, was in school with me). She served as the WMU Director for my home church as well as VBS Director for many years. Her love for missions was so evident when she would share the mission stories, as well as having sleepovers when we were working on our "G.A. steps". The greatest thing about Ms. Virginia is that she loved unconditionally. No matter what choices you might make, and no matter what the consequences, she loved you -- and you knew it. She has not failed to send me a Christmas card and Birthday card each year. And when I married, she simply added my husband to her list, and then my children. What a testimony of this woman!!!!!!! I loved her and will miss her! But she lived a long and fruitful life and best of all she loved Jesus and I know that she is now with him eternally - and I will get to spend eternity with her there!

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